My time at An - Najah was cut short due to my leaving the country after war began. But for the two weeks I stayed in Palestine, I learned so much.

The people here are some of the most welcoming I've ever met. I was invited to several people's houses after only one interaction with them. My friends and I were taken out several times for coffee and shisha. The student volunteers went out of their way to accommodate our needs. I was taken to Asira, a beautiful town nearby, and the Old City, an incredible historical part of Nablus. All in two weeks!

The accommodation is even nicer than advertised. The apartment is huge and so, so nice. It is in a beautiful location with gorgeous views of the city and the mountains all around. I recommend exploring the nearby neighborhood, there are so many places to discover. It is also a two minute walk from a supermarket that sells everything you might need. You will never go without something in Nablus. And Nablus itself has everything - modern restaurants mixed with a genuine Palestinian feel. It is one of my favorite cities.

Classes themselves are a challenge, but in the best way. You will learn a lot about your own language in teaching it to the students. You will be expected to design classes for the students, but the resource center provides so many resources. You will never feel too overwhelmed. The Arabic lessons offered are incredible as well. Mine were 1 on 1, and the teachers were adaptable and responsive to what I wanted to learn. It is an incredible resource, and I have learned so much from them.

The war broke out about a week into my stay in Nablus. Despite the panic and grief students were suffering, almost all of them continued showing up to my Zoom classes, ready to learn. When my parents requested that I leave Palestine for my safety, Louha (the director) was more than understanding. She and another local man helped my friend and I arrange the safest transportation possible. I was able to leave the country without any difficulty, despite the war. Though I am now in Jordan, I have continued to host Zoom classes, and students have continued to be wonderful. I cannot thank Louha and David enough for their support.

10/10 experience. I recommend that anyone considering this Workaway to go, and I hope to return someday.


عدد القراءات: 46