My experience at An-Najah was so impactful in my journey. I taught two courses, both advanced-level English. Ms. Louha, the director, was very accommodating in assigning me courses I felt most comfortable teaching. She also gave me full flexibility to decide how I want to structure the course, while also providing guidance whenever I had questions. The students were all eager to participate, work hard to improve, and curious with questions. Through their participation in class, I also learned about the Palestinian culture and identity. My Arabic teacher was wonderful and diligent, catering her curriculum to my needs. After class, students and volunteers showed me around the city too. At the end of the course, my students gave me so many gifts and letters, making for a very bittersweet farewell. I think anyone who volunteers at An-Najah is incredibly lucky. I personally left a piece of my heart there, and I hope to return someday inshallah.



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